Well, we've moved back to KS, as N. got a job at WSU. Yay him!
N. and I have sort of settled in now: he's started his job, I've started school, so I can finish my second master's degree...we've been here about a month and so far, so good.
I'm still hoping to find a library job, but I might have to start school again and get my teaching license. I am thinking of being a substitute teacher while I do that, to get some experience, learn my way around the different schools, meet people, etc. But right now I'm focusing on school and re-learning Wichita. The traffic really sucks here, and I kind of despise having to drive everywhere...but I do really love being close to my family and my friends - I even got to have a sort of impromptu dinner with Kay which was great! I now have someone to call and hang out with, which is so wonderful!
A Regan family reunion is being planned for next July which is immensely exciting, and too far away - and my sister might even be getting married there so that my grandma can be there, since she doesn't travel much anymore. Anyway, life is sort of boring for now, and we're settling in, as are the kitties (poor things!). Just a quick update, cause I got tired of looking at my old blog post.